We get asked a lot of questions about our wonderful program. We’ve compiled the answers to our most frequently answered questions.
The Speakers’ School course runs for 14 weeks, each class being held once a week from 6-9pm. You’ll be provided with a healthy meal, and a break each evening. A childcare and travel stipend is available should you require it.
The course curriculum changes based on the students – we strive to make it interesting and informative for each group!
The class is divided into two sections: (1) practical public speaking practice and (2) presentations from local social justice oriented groups.
Practical speaking lessons include:
relaxation techniques
how to choose a topic
how to identify your “main points” and how to make them
writing a speech to suit your audience
how to write an effective speech
how to use a microphone
Throughout the course you will be working on a three to five minute (maximum) speech that you will present at a Graduation ceremony.
You can write your speech on absolutely anything that you are passionate about! Do not worry if you come to the class with many ideas for speech topics, or none at all.
Throughout the course a series of guest speakers from local social justice organizations come and share information.
Oftentimes students will find that the guest speakers introduce them to a topic that they become interested in, and they write their speeches on that.
No topic is off limits!
Our facilitator is always available to meet with you outside of class hours to help you decide on a topic and how to proceed.
For example, previous students have spoken on:
living with HIV
the importance of arts in mental health recovery
world food shortage
accomplishments of First Nations peoples
importance of Aboriginal elders
community re-localization
Aboriginal leadership
workplace injury
racial discrimination
raising a child with a disability
brain injury
importance of having a family doctor
We encourage students to attend all classes – if possible. We realize that for many, there are barriers to participating. That is why we provide a travel and child care subsidy to students who require it.
If there is an event beyond your control and you cannot attend, please contact the facilitator of the course. They will work out a plan to meet with you, or give you the materials you may have missed.
Each class features a guest speaker from a local community justice oriented group. In the past we have been fortunate to have excellent presentations on/from:
The Welfare Wall – issues with the Ontario Works and Ontario Disability Support Programs
Diversity – Aboriginal Liaison for the City of Thunder Bay
Advocacy 101 – Elevate Thunder Bay
The History of the Injured Workers’ Struggle – Thunder Bay Injured Workers
Employment Assistance -
Anti-Oppression, Anti-Racism – the Northwestern Ontario Women’s Centre
Resources in the Community – Lakehead Social Planning Council
Poverty Issues – Poverty Free Thunder Bay
Formal Speaking Practice – Toastmasters
Tenant Law/Rights – Kinna-aweya Legal Clinic
There is no homework in the traditional sense. We do give you information to think about, and activities to do when you are outside of the class, such as providing three examples of topics which interest you.
We do not require you to submit any written information, we just ask for your participation in class at a level which is comfortable to you.
We get asked a lot of questions about our wonderful program. We’ve compiled the answers to our most frequently answered questions.
The Speakers’ School course runs for 14 weeks, each class being held once a week from 6-9pm. You’ll be provided with a healthy meal, and a break each evening. A childcare and travel stipend is available should you require it.
The course curriculum changes based on the students – we strive to make it interesting and informative for each group!
The class is divided into two sections: (1) practical public speaking practice and (2) presentations from local social justice oriented groups.
Practical speaking lessons include:
relaxation techniques
how to choose a topic
how to identify your “main points” and how to make them
writing a speech to suit your audience
how to write an effective speech
how to use a microphone
Throughout the course you will be working on a three to five minute (maximum) speech that you will present at a Graduation ceremony.
What do you do in the course?
You can write your speech on absolutely anything that you are passionate about! Do not worry if you come to the class with many ideas for speech topics, or none at all.
Throughout the course a series of guest speakers from local social justice organizations come and share information.
Oftentimes students will find that the guest speakers introduce them to a topic that they become interested in, and they write their speeches on that.
No topic is off limits!
Our facilitator is always available to meet with you outside of class hours to help you decide on a topic and how to proceed.
For example, previous students have spoken on:
living with HIV
the importance of arts in mental health recovery
world food shortage
accomplishments of First Nations peoples
importance of Aboriginal elders
community re-localization
Aboriginal leadership
workplace injury
racial discrimination
raising a child with a disability
brain injury
importance of having a family doctor
What do I write my speech on?
We encourage students to attend all classes – if possible. We realize that for many, there are barriers to participating. That is why we provide a travel and child care subsidy to students who require it. If there is an event beyond your control and you cannot attend, please contact the facilitator of the course. They will work out a plan to meet with you, or give you the materials you may have missed.
What happens if I can't make it to a class?
Each class features a guest speaker from a local community justice oriented group. In the past we have been fortunate to have excellent presentations on/from:
The Welfare Wall – issues with the Ontario Works and Ontario Disability Support Programs
Diversity – Aboriginal Liaison for the City of Thunder Bay
Advocacy 101 – Elevate Thunder Bay
The History of the Injured Workers’ Struggle – Thunder Bay Injured Workers
Employment Assistance -
Anti-Oppression, Anti-Racism – the Northwestern Ontario Women’s Centre
Resources in the Community – Lakehead Social Planning Council
Poverty Issues – Poverty Free Thunder Bay
Formal Speaking Practice – Toastmasters
Tenant Law/Rights – Kinna-aweya Legal Clinic
What type of guest speakers give presentations?
There is no homework in the traditional sense. We do give you information to think about, and activities to do when you are outside of the class, such as providing three examples of topics which interest you. We do not require you to submit any written information, we just ask for your participation in class at a level which is comfortable to you.